1. Integrated Youth Services in Canada: A Portrait

2022  |  Heather Smith Fowler, Kemi Odegbile, Laura Celeste, Justine Narine

The Social Research and Demonstration Corporation (SRDC) & The Graham Boeck Foundation


2. An innovative approach to understanding the service transformation journey

2022  |  ACCESS Open Minds


3. Description and outcome evaluation of Jigsaw: an emergent Irish mental health early intervention program for young people

2015  |  L. O’Keeffe, A. O’Reilly, G. O’Brien, R. Buckley, R. Illback

Irish journal of psychological medicine


4. Is headspace making a difference to young people’s lives? Final Report of the independent evaluation of the headspace program

2015  |  Hilferty, F., Cassells, R., Muir, K., Duncan, A., Christensen, D., Mitrou, Y., Mavisakalyan, C., Hafekost, I., Tarvedi, Y., Wingrove, C., & Katz, I.

Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW Australia.


5. Foundry: Early learnings from the implementation of an integrated youth service network

2022  Mathias, S., Tee, K., Helfrich, W., Gerty, K., Chan, G., & Barbic, S. P. 

Early Intervention in Psychiatry



6. Trends in mental health system transformation: Integrating youth services within the Canadian context

2019  |  Halsall, T., Manion, I., Iyer, S. N., Mathias, S., Purcell, R., & Henderson, J.

Healthcare management forum


7. The Core Components and Principles of Integrated Youth Services